
It’s currently a fact of the design process that I don’t have much product on shelves for you to buy (with a significant exception!). I know, it’s tough for me, too. As such, the only way you can currently play a Nerdhaus Game is to be one of my personal friends (which you are welcome to attempt) or to see me at a gaming convention. I try to make myself available at events, but there are a bunch just in the Kansas City area! If you have an event that you think our brand of gaming is a good fit for, please contact us with the form on our Contact page. We also make house calls, if you have a store or gaming group that is interested in giving our games or adventures a try.

We make regular appearances at both KantCon and Midwest GameFest, as well as sponsoring the Kansas City Nerdlesque Festival, a geek-themed burlesque show that opens with a game night.


  • KantCon 2020: July 17-19, Overland Park, KS
  • Midwest GameFest 2020: Mid November, Indepdendence, MO